Register TNB Electricity Bill under Tenant’s Name

Afraid your tenants are not paying their electricity bills? There are two ways TNB can help you:
You can change the name on the electricity bill of your rented premises to the tenant’s name. The tenant will then be responsible for the payment of the electricity bill every month.
This will avoid the issue of disputed electricity bills and arrears. To change the name, please complete the Change of Tenancy Form* and bring it to the Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan (Customer Service Centre) where your account is registered together with the following items:
  • One copy of your Identify Card
  • One copy of your Sale & Purchase Agreement or Tenancy Agreement
  • Deposit: two month’s usage of electricity depending on the type of premises – to be paid by cash or cheque
  • Stamp Duty RM10 x two pieces (one piece glued on the form and stamped at any Pejabat Hasil office. The other piece to be brought to the Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan)
  • Processing fee of RM3.00
*Change of Tenancy Form can be obtained at any Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan
If you do not wish to change the name on the electricity bill to the tenant’s name, you can still get a copy of the bill every month to monitor the status of payments from time to time.
This can be done by registering your rented premises through TNB e-Services at Bill copies can also be obtained by calling 1300 88 5454.

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