MM2H - Malaysia My Second Home

The Malaysian Government welcomes all foreign citizens to enter and stay in this country on a long stay Social Visit pass under the “Malaysia – My Second Home Program”, coordinated by the Ministry of Culture, Arts & Tourism.
It further allows approved applicants to purchase up to two (2) residential properties exceeding RM150,000.00. per unit without Foreign Investment Committee (FIC) approval. This programDOES NOT guarantee a Permanent Resident Status.

The programme is open to all foreign citizens (except those from Israel, Montenegro and Yugoslavia). Approved applicants can stay in Malaysia on a long stay Social Visit Pass with a multiple entry visa valid for 10 years. The visa is renewable. This program is open to all foreigners of all ages. They are allowed to bring along their dependants and one maid. Overseas income is free of tax and applicants can bring all their household effects and one car duty free into Malaysia. Alternatively new visa holders may acquire a car in Malaysia free of any duty. However advance approval is required to take advantage of the tax free car benefit.

The following conditions came into effect on April 1st 2006. They depend on the age of the applicant. If a married couple apply the oldest person’s age decides the appropriate criteria.

It should be noted that applicants who choose the fixed deposit option have to place it when their visa application is approved. At that time they will receive a “conditional approval” letter by the immigration department. They have to bring this letter together with evidence of having placed the fixed deposit to the immigration department. They will then be issued with and stamped in their passport.

i) Applicants aged below 50 years old 
• Must open a fixed deposit account of RM300,000
• Can withdraw up to RM240,000 for the purchase of house, medical insurance or children’s education
  expenses after the deposit has been placed for one year.
• Must maintain a minimum balance of RM60,000 rom second year onwards and throughout stay in
  Malaysia under this programme.

ii) Applicants aged 50 years and above
• Can choose to:
   - Open a fixed deposit account of RM150,000; or
   - Show proof of monthly off-shore income at least equivalent to RM10,000
• If they chose the fixed deposit, can withdraw up to RM90,000 for the purchase of house, medical
  insurance or children’s education expenses after the deposit has been placed for one year.
• Participants must maintain a minimum balance of RM60,000 throughout their stay in Malaysia under
  this programme.

Note: Successful applicants are allowed to choose whether to open their fixed deposits in US currency or Ringgit (RM). Once the fixed deposit account is opened in US currency, it must be maintained in that currency throughout stay in Malaysia.
There is no longer a requirement for a Malaysian sponsor. If you need assistance making the application there are association who offer this service. You may make the application without coming to Malaysia and once the letter of conditional approval is issued they will advise you and you have six months to come to Malaysia and collect the visa.

Insurance Coverage / Medical Report

Applicants must possess a medical insurance coverage from any insurance company that is valid in Malaysia. They are also required to have a medical examination.

Applicants are allowed to bring along their dependants (children) either not schooling or are schooling in primary, secondary or in any Institution of higher Learning. However, dependants who are schooling are required to apply for a Student Pass to continue their education in schools or Institutions of Higher Learning recognised by the government.

Successful applicants are bound by the policies, systems and regulations of taxes of this country however their overseas income will not be taxed in Malaysia.

Security Vetting
Approvals are given subject to security vetting clearance conducted by the Royal Malaysian Police.

Successful applicants are STRICTLY forbidden from the following:
o Being employed anywhere in Malaysia unless approved by the government.
o Participating in activities that can be considered as sensitive to the local people like political or missionary activities.

Using An Agent or Doing It Yourself 

Applicants who are making their submission in Malaysia can complete all the application procedures themselves. The initial applications can now be made to the Malaysia My Second Home Centre at the Ministry of Tourism at Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur. Applicants do not have to be in Malaysia to make the initial application and in this case a letter of conditional approval will be given pending the applicant producing evidence of making the Fixed Deposit and obtaining medical insurance.

If you would prefer to have some assistance with the process our company can assist with the application and getting approval. They will also drive you to immigration when the visa is approved to collect your stamp in your passport.

The Application
Applications can be submitted while the applicant is in Malaysia or from overseas. If the submission is made before arrival, conditional approval will be given even before local medical insurance and the fixed deposits are placed. Visas for successful applicants will be issued In Malaysia together with a Social Visit Pass. Applicants may submit their applications by providing the following documents;
* Letter of Application
* 2 copies of IM.12-Social Visit Application Forms
* 2 passport sized photographs of applicant and spouse (if accompanied by spouse)
* Certified true copies of all pages of passport travel document of the applicant and spouse (if relevant)
* Certified true copy of Marriage Certificate (if accompanied by spouse)
* Certified true copy of children’s birth certificate (if relevant)
* Resume outlining your employment for the last ten years
* Evidence of placing the Fixed Deposit – if applying under this criteria.
* Copy of Malaysian medical insurance
* Copy of medical report

1) The covering letter of application should state the names of all people who are applying with you,
    how you will support yourself in Malaysia and which financial criteria you wish to use.
2) Once the application is approved you will be issued a conditional approval letter which can be
    presented to any bank in Malaysia to open an account.
3) Evidence of Fixed Deposit, medical coverage and the medical report can be submitted after you
    have received the conditional approval letter when you go to collect the visa
4) Where certified true copies of documents are requested they must be counter signed by a Justice
    of the Peace, Commissioner of Oaths, Solicitor, lawyer or Notary Public.

Places Of Application
Applicants may make their application at any of the following places;
* Tourism Malaysia PWTC
* Malaysian Immigration Department Headquarters at Putra Jaya
* All Malaysian Representative Offices Overseas
* All Malaysian Tourism Offices


Under normal circumstance approval all applications which fulfill the required criteria will be processed and approved within 30 working days (about six weeks) after submission of the application.

Fee Rate
A payment of RM 90.00 per year is charged for the issuance of a Social Visit Pass under the 'Malaysia-My Second Home' Programme. The visa fee is chargeable according to the existing rate applicable to each country. The fee for a ten year visa is therefore RM900 although if the applicant’s passport has less than ten years to run the visa will only be valid until the passport expiry date and the fee lower. Other visa charges may apply for certain nationalities but should not amount to more than RM600 per person.

Application For Extension
The following documents must be submitted when applying for the extension under this programme. This is also required when applying for the balance of the first ten year visa applies when it is issued for less than 10 years because the remaining passport validity was less than ten years:
*Form IMM.55
*Form IMM.38
*Latest certified Financial Statement from the local bank or Financial Institution.
*Original Passport/Travel Document of applicant.

Categories Not Eligible To Apply Under This Programme
Holders of Expatriate Pass (Work Permit) and their dependants, unless they plan to give up their work permit.
Holders of a Student Pass.

Contacts :

Malaysia My Second Home Centre
Ministry of Tourism Malaysia
Putra World Trade Centre
Level 34, Menara Dato’ Onn
45 Jalan Tun Ismail
50695 Kuala Lumpur
Contact: Dr Junaida Lee Abdullah or Ms Norsyahidah Kassim
Tel: 03 2693 7111

Immigration Department of Malaysia
(Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri)
Tingkat 1-7, (Podium) Blok 2G4, Precint 2,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
Tel: 03-88801000 Fax: 03-8881200
Web site:

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