Get Medical Card, Life Insurance Coverage before Invest in Property

Get Medical Card, Life Insurance Coverage before Invest in Property

Do your property investment strategies include insurance coverage? Please think twice before you invest in property if you have insufficient insurance coverage, regardless the purpose of buying the property, either for investment, as your first house, family house or whatever reasons.
Medical costs are increasing tremendously over the year; the medical cost inflation is easily more than 10% per year as reported in many financial magazines and local newspapers. Hence, insurance planning has catch public’s attention and becoming a hot topic to be considered for everyone’s retirement plan.
Case Story: One of friend's father is going for heart bypass surgery at one of the famous specialist hospitals in Malaysia. It cost about RM40,000. Fortunately, the expenses are under his medical card coverage. Else, it will become a heavy burden for majority of average household income family, especially when the insurance protection plans are not planned properly at earlier.
Either MRTA or MLTA, their outcome is the same, both are designed to settle our mortgage monthly instalment if anything ‘happen’ to us. Therefore, choose the best home insurance package to prevent your family getting into suffer life due to the housing loans bad debt. Think about your loved one and invest safely to minimize the risks!
Need any further insurance product coverage enquiries kindly contact Jay Soon 017-237 3878. 

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